tubist, composer, arranger

Moč evolucije idej

Moč evolucije idej

Danes sem bil povabljen v oddajo Dobro Jutro, kjer mi je izjemno razgledana novinarka in voditeljica Karin Sabadin zastavila nekaj vprašanj, ki so mi dala misliti. Nekaj teh misli sem zbral v naslednjem zapisu.   O srečanju ustvarjalnosti Vsako srečanje dveh ali...

Koncert v Cankarjevem domu odlično sprejet

Koncert v Cankarjevem domu odlično sprejet

Koncert v Klubu Cankarjevega doma, ki je pospremil izdajo albuma Pozabljena ljudstva, je dobil ogromno pohval. Eno pozitivno recenzijo lahko preberete na spletni strani Radia Študent s klikom tukaj, drugo pa v Mladini. Negativne recenzije še iščem. 🙂 Hvaležen sem...

Izšel je album Pozabljena ljudstva!

Izšel je album Pozabljena ljudstva!

Pri založbi Celinka 29. novembra izide album zasedbe Goran Krmac kvartet z naslovom Pozabljena ljudstva. Še istega dne pa bo predstavljen v Klubu Cankarjevega doma na ciklu Cankarjevi torki! Člani zasedbe Eduardo Raon (harfa), Janez Dovč (harmonika), Goran Krmac...

Impressions & Intentions

Impressions & Intentions

The week is over and I’m very pleased to say that the concert was brilliant and the recording session went wonderfully. Not only we recorded the intended material, but we ended up capturing moments of spontaneous creation, and I’m sure they will find their place onto the finished album.

Goran Krmac Quartet: Studio Time

Goran Krmac Quartet: Studio Time

This week is dedicated to recording my new album with the working title ‘Tatovi vode’ (Water Thieves).

After two extensive rehearsals Monday and Tuesday, a concert will follow in Ljubljana’s ZOO club on Wednesday, and eventually we will be spending Friday and Saturday at the wonderfully inspiring Studio Duplek to record.

Goran Krmac Quartet on Youtube!

Goran Krmac Quartet on Youtube!

New videos available of the Goran Krmac Quartet live performance at Festival Godibodi, Ljubljana in June 2015. Check them out on YouTube!

Playing the Studio

Playing the Studio

Mixing is now underway for the Goran Krmac Quartet live recordings. The process is taking place in a home studio in the Prešnica village, overlooking a green valley whose landscape and soundscape are occasionally pierced by a freight train dashing in and out of distant tunnels at the far side of the valley.